Our Refund & Returns Policy
Once your order is placed, you may cancel your order prior to being processed. Send an email to admin@pahhniwater.com with your name and order number. All orders are processed in 12-48 hours.
For Defective Products:
When the product is incorrect, damaged by the carrier, or defective in another way:
If the product(s) you purchased from our Store is defective or becomes damaged while being delivered by a third-party carrier to you, we will replace or refund the product for up to 30 days after the date of your purchase. For any replacements or refunds, please email us at admin@pahhniwater.com. We don’t accept returns.
Refunds will be processed within 2 weeks, including shipping costs (if any), using the same form of payment used to make the original purchase.
For Customer Remorse:
All sales are final. We do not accept returns. If you have other issues not covered in this policy, please contact us at admin@pahhniwater.com
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315 Dayton St, Hamilton OH 45011
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